Munenobu Ikegami
Nobu is a Professor at Faculty of Economics, Hosei University. His research interest is on household intertemporal decisions and poverty dynamics. His work focuses on the evaluation of Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia utilizing household-level socio-economic panel surveys. Prior to joining Hosei U. in 2018, he worked for IBLI project at International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) from 2008 to 2018. He received Master in Economics at University of Tokyo, Japan in 2003 and PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in 2008.
His profiles at
Janzen, S., M. R. Carter, M. Ikegami (2021) “Can Insurance Alter Poverty Dynamics and Reduce the Cost of Social Protection in Developing Countries?” Journal of Risk and Insurance, Volume 88, Issue 2, pp. 293-324,
Takahashi, K., Y. Noritomo, M. Ikegami, and N. D. Jensen. (2020). “Understanding Pastoralists' Dynamic Insurance Uptake Decisions: Evidence from Four-year Panel Data in Ethiopia.” Food Policy, Volume 95, August.
Ikegami, M., M. R. Carter, C. B. Barrett, and S. Janzen (2019) “Poverty Traps and the Social Protection Paradox” in C. Barrett, M.R. Carter and J.-P. Chavas eds. The Economics of Poverty Traps University of Chicago Press. Chapter 6. pp.223-256,
Takahashi, K., C. B. Barrett, M. Ikegami (2019) “Does Index Insurance Crowd In or Crowd Out Informal Risk Sharing? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 101, Issue 3, pp. 672-691.
Matsuda, A., K. Takahashi, and M. Ikegami (2019) “Direct and Indirect Impacts of Index-based Livestock Insurance in Southern Ethiopia” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, Volume 44, pp. 481-502.
Jensen, N., M. Ikegami and A. Mude (2017) “Integrating social protection strategies for improved impact: A comparative evaluation of cash transfers and index insurance in Kenya.” The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice. Volume 42, Issue 4, pp. 675-707.
Takahashi, K., M. Ikegami, M. Sheahan, and C. B. Barrett (2016) “Experimental Evidence on the Drivers of Index-Based Livestock Insurance Demand in Southern Ethiopia.” World Development, Vol. 78, pp.324-340.
Mude, A., S. Chantarat, C. B. Barrett, M. R. Carter, M. Ikegami, and J. McPeak (2011) “Insuring Against Drought-Related Livestock Mortality: Piloting Index Based Livestock Insurance in Northern Kenya.” in Towards Priority Actions for Market Development for African Farmers: Proceedings of an International Conference. 13-15 May 2009, Nairobi, Kenya. AGRA and ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. pp. 175-188. Reprinted in E. Makaudze ed. (2012) Weather Index Insurance for smallholder farmers in Africa, AFRICAN SUN MeDIA. Chapter 2. pp. 49-72.
Carter, M. R. and M. Ikegami. (2009) “Looking Forward: Theory-based Measures of Chronic Poverty and Vulnerability,” in T. Addison, D. Hulme, and R. Kanbur ed. Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Oxford University Press, Chapter 6, pp.128-153.
- Ikegami, M. (2009) “Poverty dynamics in Kagera, Tanzania: A survey.” Integrating Policy and Culture: The First Step, Tokyo: Chuo University Press, March, pp. 143-169.
Working Papers:
Timu, A. G., C. R. Gustafson, M. Ikegami, and N. D. Jensen (2018) ““Indemnity Payouts, Learning from Others and Index Insurance Uptake” presented at the 2018 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 5-August 7.
- Chelang'a, P., N. Jensen, and M. Ikegami, (2017). “Pastoralist Coping with the 2017 Drought in Northern Kenya.”
Cisse, J. D. and M. Ikegami (2016) “Does Insurance Improve Resilience? Measuring the Impact of Index-Based Livestock Insurance on Development Resilience in Northern Kenya”
Ikegami, M., C. B. Barrett, and S. Chantarat (2015) “Dynamic Effects of Index Based Livestock Insurance on Household Intertemporal Behavior and Welfare” working paper, presented at Africa Growth Forum “Enhancing Agricultural Productivity for Shared Growth in Africa” at Brookings Institute in 2011, at University of California-Davis in 2011, “Hakone Conference on Empirical Micro Development Economics” at GRIPS, Tokyo in 2011, “Research Conference on Microinsurance” at University of Twente in 2012, and “Mobile pastoralism, Index insurance, Computational Sustainability and Policy Innovations for the Arid and Semi-arid Lands of East Africa” at ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya in June 2015.
Ikegami, M. (2010) “Agricultural Productivity and Mortality: Evidence from Kagera, Tanzania.” CEGA Working Paper Series No. AfD-0911. Center of Evaluation for Global Action. University of California, Berkeley. Presented at Agriculture for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa in Mombasa, Kenya, May 2009 organized by African Economic Research Consortium.
Sawada, Y., H. Kohama, H. Kono, and M. Ikegami (2004) “Commitment to Development Index (CDI): Critical Comments” FASID Discussion Paper on Development Assistance No.1. March.
Research Brief:
Takahashi, K., M. Ikegami, M. Sheahan, and C. B. Barrett (2017) “Drivers of demand for index-based livestock insurance in southern Ethiopia” ILRI Research Brief (73)
Project Summary:
Mude, A., C. B. Barrett, M. R. Carter, S. Chantarat, M. Ikegami, and J. McPeak (2009) “Index Based Livestock Insurance for Northern Kenya's Arid and Semi-arid Lands: The Marsabit Pilot”
Data and Codebooks:
Alulu, V., Jensen, N., and Ikegami, M. (2023) “Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) Marsabit Household Survey Codebook: Rounds 1-7”,
Ikegami, M. and M. Sheahan (2017) “Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) Marsabit Household Survey Codebook”,
Ikegami, M. and M. Sheahan (2018) “Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) Borena Household Survey Codebook”,
Ikegami, M. (2017) “Leveraging Crowdsourcing and Mobile Technology: Data Collection Platform for Livestock Value Chain - KAZNET” at Data Science Africa 2017 at NM-AIST, Arusha, Tanzania, 21st July 2017.
Ph.D. Dissertation:
- Ikegami, M. (2008) “Household Intertemporal Decisions and Poverty Dynamics” University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Blog Posts:
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- Hosei Uniersity in 2023
- This short document by Alex Russell summarizes my work since 2005.
Publication in Japanese:
澤田康幸・池上宗信(2006)「政府開発援助の経済分析:現状と展望」『国民経済雑誌』神戸大学経済経営学会、特集『開発経済学のフロンティア』193(1), pp. 27-43, Jan.
Non-Academic Publication in Japanese:
- 池上宗信(2009)「開発経済学の研究者をめざして」中央大学総合政策学部編『学生のための人生羅針盤 どう学び、どう働くのか』大巧社281‐290ページ
Working Paper in Japanese:
- 小浜裕久・澤田康幸・高野久紀・池上宗信(2004)「開発貢献度指標 Commitment to Development Index: CDIの再検討」FASID Discussion Paper on Development Assistance No. 1
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2021年度の研究・教育活動に対する受賞・表彰者の紹介 Vol.1
- 法政大学経済学部同窓会報第76号7頁(2019年5月1日発行)
Blog Posts in Japanese:
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- 法政大学
- 第44回(2021年度)懸賞論文佳作